HAN Jihee South Korean, 1985

“Abstract landscape”, or “landscape not yet landscaped”
Han Jihee is a contemporary artist whose work explores the boundaries between the real and the abstract. She uses typical natural elements such as mountains, waterfalls, and stones, but her artistic approach goes beyond simple representation of nature.

In her paintings, solid mountains become liquid and gaseous, stones become transparent, and water becomes matte. These elements transform under the artist-alchemist's talent, merging before returning to their origin. Jihee's work involves transforming the figurative into the abstract, and vice versa, creating a dynamic tension between these two styles.

In her canvases, the artist seeks to capture movement, atmosphere, and mood. For her, painting is about embodying the spirit or spiritualizing the body. Jihee describes her work as an exploration of the "abstract landscape," the "disoriented landscape," or even the "landscape not yet landscaped." Her creations result from the coexistence of these contradictory plastic states: weight, density, compression, opacity, visibility. Her landscapes are simultaneously blurred and clear, light and dense, empty and full. Han Jihee continues to explore and push the boundaries of contemporary painting, offering viewers works that question and reinvent our perception of landscape and reality.