ANN GRIM: Beyond the unknown

18 Sep - 25 Oct 2014
Ann Grim is a multidisciplinary artist whose thinking is based on the experience of her past life between Latin America, South Africa and Europe.

Hypersensitive and generous, the artist struggles with her own nature to guide the spectator towards questions based on the purpose of our existence. In an effort to convey her ideas as clearly as possible, sensibility gives way to rationality, as illustrated by the brutal depiction of different species of sharks’ skulls, chosen according to the behavioral characteristics of each.

Thus, the artist’s work is structured around art pieces whose hyper mastered aesthetics represent the gaudiest part of an intrinsic vanity of the human species.

This dedication is a proof of the artist’s generosity, overshadowing her shyness, she operates, as a first step, by following the theoretical way through research, then, the scientific way, referring to an artisanal know-how for the realization of each works.

The inherent approach of the artist’s work is not to condition reflection by displaying ideas stemming from some qualms but to provide as metaphor the limits of human nature.

The references on which we base our way of being nowadays are finally only based on the flow of information that saturates our daily lives.

Ann Grim plunges us into an introspection undermining the very nature and foundation of our references and benchmarks.