A2Z Family & Friends: 15th birthday of the gallery - Group exhibition of 26 artists

27 Jun - 24 Aug 2024
15 years of history and collaborations
To all our Friends, Collectors, Connoisseurs, Enthusiasts,
We have the immense honor of celebrating the 15th anniversary of A2Z Art Gallery. Fifteen years have passed since our founders, Anthony and Léa Phuong, inaugurated this artistic haven, driven by a fervent passion and an unwavering vision. A2Z Art Gallery is, above all, a love story: that of the founders, but also a love for art, for culture, and for beauty in all its forms.
Specializing in contemporary Asian art, the gallery strives to create a bridge between cultures, showcasing the artists it represents in the best possible light. Anthony and Ziwei Li, two bold and visionary minds, have dedicated their lives to promoting and supporting emerging talents from around the world, based in France. Their journey is marked by determination and perseverance, dotted with challenges and triumphs, always driven by the desire to share exceptional works with the public and those around them!
Anthony, with a keen eye for discovering new talents, and Ziwei, whose sensitivity and profound understanding of creative processes and the art market enrich every exhibition, form a complementary and harmonious duo. Their collaboration has given birth to a gallery that, over the years, has become an essential place for contemporary art enthusiasts.
From its humble beginnings, the gallery has traveled a remarkable path. It has hosted innovative exhibitions, presented artists whose works have moved and inspired, and created a space conducive to dialogue between cultures and ideas. Each year has been marked by memorable events, enriching encounters, and exciting artistic discoveries.
Today, as we celebrate these fifteen years of success, we pay tribute to all those who have been part of this adventure: artists, visitors, collectors, and friends of the gallery; our A2Z Art Gallery Family! Without your support and enthusiasm, this story would not have been the same. We express our deep gratitude for your trust and loyalty.
As we look back on these past fifteen years, we also look to the future with enthusiasm and hope. A2Z Art Gallery continues to grow, reinvent itself, and push the boundaries of contemporary Asian art. We look forward to sharing with you the new adventures and artistic treasures that await us.