At a time when international geopolitical developments are a palimpsest of times and spaces in crisis, The “Dislocations” exhibition brings together fifteen artists from different generations and backgrounds (Afghanistan, France, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Myanmar, Palestine, Syria and Ukraine) whose work is marked or informed by the experience of exile, of being torn between here and there, between past and present.
Their practices draw on ancestral know-how and contemporary technologies, humble gestures and poor materials. The aim is to pay homage to the vital necessity and intensity of artistic creation through fragmented narratives that combine displacement, imprisonment and war with resilience and reparation.
Nge Lay,  Beautifully Thorned Path, fabric canvas and mixed medium, 2023, 194 x 86 x 10 cm, Photo credit: Bruno Pellerin, (Pending view of the exhibition "Dislocations", Palais de Tokyo, 16.02-30.06.2024)

At a time when international geopolitical developments are an ever-changing palimpsest of times and spaces in crisis, artists can appear as lookouts, careful to the world’s upheavals and society’s major movements that are as many telluric waves. To be a lookout is to be a witness of one’s time, to deploy the power of one’s imagination by exploring the social and political realities of yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Rada Akbar, Survivor and Advocate, "Abarzanan-Superwomen" series, 2020, courtesy of the artist, © ADAGP, Paris, 2024 View of the exhibition "Dislocations", Palais de Tokyo, 16.02-30.06.2024


This project is part of a collaboration between the Palais de Tokyo and the non-profit Portes ouvertes sur l’art, which promotes the work of artists in situations of exile, in a spirit of openness and research. Its aim is to promote and display the work of these artists in collaboration with the art world, organising exhibitions and events at various venues in France. A first invitation from the Palais de Tokyo in 2022 led to the screening programme “L’ami intérieur”.


Exhibited Artists : 
Exhibition assistants:
Natacha Marini, Alice Rochepeau
Photo credits:
Photos credits (except one image): Aurélien Mole
Other photo credit: Antoine Aphesbero
For more information: > tram network from the Île-de-France Region
20 Fév 2024
sur 14